This dragon dropper—Play Sequenced Movies —plays Quicktime movies in random sequences, or in a sequence defined by you in a “playlist” text file. It’s especially handy for folks who like to listen to Quicktime MIDI movies in the background as they work, or want to run a movie “slideshow”. There’s a tremendous collection of MIDI music out on Usenet, and on the Internet in general. Someone recently published over 200 well-played Scarlatti harpsichord pieces! There are also 4 or 5 MIDIs on the System 7.5 CD ROM. Movies, of course, abound.
A second droplet, Generate Playlist, will create a TeachText/SimpleText file that is a list of all files dragged over the icon. This helps create playlists quickly. You can easily edit the file, especially in SimpleText 1.1 with its drag-and-drop line editing, to re-order the list.
What’s New
Playlist files now support 3 commands to allow sequencing movies from some folder other than the one in which the playlist resides, and to allow setting playback volume and the position of the movie controller. The last one is not implemented yet, but is gracefully ignored by both revisions 1 .0 and 1.1 of Play Sequenced Movies. The commands are documented inside the playlists generated by Generate Playlist. In addition, the generated playlists will contain a command specifying the folder containing the movies.
To install the sequencer, put Play Sequenced Movies or an alias in a convenient spot (on the desktop, or in a handy folder). Put Generate Playlist where you can find it, though you won't use it as often.
You can keep a copy of Movie PlayList around for its icon.
What You Can Do With It
• Drag a set of Quicktime movies (or Quicktime Midis) onto Play Sequenced Movies . They will each be played once in random-seeming sequence. If you get tired of a movie or MIDI, click the close box on the movie controller, and the sequencer will go on to the next one. Any files that are not playable by EasyPlay 2.0 will be ignored.
• Drag a playlist file such as the supplied Movie PlayList onto it (I’ve supplied copies of some of the wonderful Scarlatti MIDI movies named in this playlist, so you can try it out). All playable movies in the directory specified in the playlist file(s) will be played in the order specified. The playlist file’s name must contain the string “Movie PlayList”. Other than that, decorate the name as you wish. E.g. Baroque Movie PlayList #1. Midi Playlist is an acceptable alternate name.
If you drag more than one playlist file onto it, all the files in all playlists will be played in sequence.
• Drag a set of movies and a playlist file(s) onto it. All dragged files that occur in the playlist(s) will first be played in sequence once each, then all dragged files not in playlists will be played in random sequence once each.
• If the file Movie Sequencer Preferences does not exist in your Preferences folder, it will be created the first time you play some movies through the sequencer, and you will be notified. You may edit this file (like the playlist files, it's a SimpleText/TeachText document) if you wish, notably to lower the volume.
The preferences file specifies default volume (0-7). The folder specfied in it is never used, and the position is currently bogus, till I figure that out.
• To create your own playlist, drag a group of movie icons onto Generate Playlist. It will generate a text file containing a list of the movies/midis, including their folder location, and some documentation on other capabilities. You can edit with SimpleText to sequence just as you wish, including repeat plays. Non-playable icons don’t harm anything unless they’re aliases. Paste the sample Movie PlayList icon onto your own playlists, if you like.
Generate Playlist will try to generate names in this sequence: Movie PlayList, Movie PlayList0 … Movie PlayList 9. If all those names are in use, it will get bored and ask you to name the playlist yourself. Make sure to include Movie PlayList or Mid PlayList somewhere in the name you choose.
Operational Notes
• If a movie is named more than once in a playlist or playlists and no movie icons are drag-n-dropped, it will be played exactly as many times as it is named, in sequence order. If it is drag-n-dropped but is not named in any active playlist, it will be played exactly once after all sequenced movies have been played.
• If you like the Movie Playlist Icon, duplicate that file in the finder to use as a base for your next playlist. Or copy it using the “Get Info” box.
• SimpleText may be preferable to Teachtext or other word or text processors for editing preferences and playlist files, due to its speed and drag-n-drop capabilities (makes sorting file sequences easier.)
Known Defects
• If an alias to an application or document is dropped onto the icon, strange things may happen, and the sequencer may quit at that point.
• If you pause a movie, it will be skipped. This is an outcome of how I am deciding when a movie is finished playing. I may come up with a better solution later.
Enhancements I’d Like to Make
• I’d like to find a way to set the movie controller position automatically so it’s easy to get at.
• I may add other types of commands to the playlist. One possibility is repeat all.
• Controller position still is not implemented, due to my dim understanding of Applescript without benefit of a textbook.
Summary of New Stuff since 1.0
• Added Preferences
• Added volume control
• Added ability to place the playlist in a different folder from movies it describes
• Added Generate Playlist.
• Cleaned up some defects and somewhat “elegantized” the code.